Low power performance of HT32L522x1 MCUs
Compared to Cortex-M0+ MCUs from other manufacturers, the HT32L522x1 with a valid operating voltage of 1.65V to 3.6V offers a significant reserve in battery-operated applications.

In RUN mode in a while(1) loop, the power consumption at room temperature and 48 MHz clock is only 3.9mA typical (4.2mA max.), at 8MHz 0.82mA typical (0.89mA max.) and at 32kHz in low-power RUN mode 3.5µA.
In sleep mode, it is typically 0.81mA (48MHz), 0.56mA (16MHz), 296µA (8MHz) or 1.41 µA (32kHz), depending on the main clock. These values refer to the core with the peripherals switched off.