Redpine launches new WiSe series – MCU with a multi-protocol wireless (Wi-Fi+Bluetooth+Zigbee) sub-system
These Modules are fully integrated with an ultra-low-power ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller as an application processor, a built-in wireless subsystem, advanced security, power-management, frequency reference, RF power-amplifiers, diversity RF Front-end and passives. The WiSeMCU™ comes with an SDK to enable plug-and-play hardware and software development for the wireless Internet of things.

Block Diagram:

- Multi- Protocol Wireless MCU module with dual-band 802.11 abgn Wi-Fi, Bluetooth EDR, Bluetooth LE, ZigBee and Cortex M4/Flash
- Embedded WLAN stack, TCP/IP stack, Bluetooth Stack, ZigBee Pro Stack
- Advanced low-power modes with deep power mode < 100n
- Small package size : 8.6mm x 8.6mm x 1.7mm
- Enterprise security support
- Wi-Fi throughputs up to 20Mbps
- No need to use external MCU
- Fully certified & validated tools
- Advanced security includes physically unclonable functions(PUF)
- RS10002 Module is foot-print and pin compatible to Redpine’s existing RS9113 module family
Module Footprint & Dimensions RS10003 (21mm x 15mm)

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