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Produkte des Herstellers Winbond


Ineltek Winbond’s authorized distributor: Winbond Electronics Corporation (“Winbond”) was established in 1987 and listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange in 1995, and is headquartered in Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP), Taichung, Taiwan and operates two 12-inch highly intelligent and automated fabs located in CTSP and South Taiwan Science Park (STSP)’s Kaohsiung Science Park.

Winbond covers research and development, product design and wafer production in house. With their broad experience in memory and logic integrated circuits their portfolio covers a wide range of

Winbond’s products are used extensively in handheld devices, consumer electronics, and computer peripherals and in challenging applications of in automotive and industrial electronics.

Winbond has implemented very high quality standards to achieve the zero defects goal and is also the first memory manufacturer in Taiwan to obtain the ISO 26262 certification, which is the highest standard for automotive functional safety.

You need a robust memory solution for your next product? Don’t hesitate to get in contact with Ineltek Winbond’s authorized distributor directly.