Filters & additional functions of the TPC6240
To optimize the noise performance, the TPC6240 includes digital filters. The FIR low-latency filter (LLF) is very useful if several channels need to be sampled in the shortest possible time. If latency is not a priority, a SincN filter enables significantly improved noise performance. Both filters also provide 50Hz and 60Hz noise rejection.
Despite the integrated PGA has a very low offset drift, it is possible that a small offset drift remains. To further reduce this offset and its deviation, the TPC6240 offers a so-called “Global Chop Mode”. If activated, the ADC performs two sequential conversions with reversed polarity, eliminating the offset.
As briefly mentioned above, the TPC6240 contains two matched current sources that can provide an excitation current between 10µA and 2mA for external resistive sensors via the input multiplexer. This helps to reduce system complexity.