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1NCE the only provider of connectivity and software for IoT at a global Lifetime Flat – offering fast, secure, and reliable cellular connectivity and software services in 173 countries worldwide.

The founders and management team of 1NCE has decades of practical experience in M2M and IoT. They work together to support other companies and their IoT projects. Not only is the success of 1NCE itself is an important goal of the 1NCE management team, but also the success of the customers.

With the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat they brought M2M communication scenarios to a new level. Their success of having over 22 Million connected endpoint in 2024 shows the easy of use and robustness.

Supporting customers all over the world with an experienced engineering team advanced features offered by the tool chain of 1NCE OS guarantee a fast time to market for your application.

If you want to know more just get in contact with us directly!